
This was a private commission for a painting featuring the 11th card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck - the Strength Card. The image was to portray strength and nobility in the face of adversity, so I chose a lone Celtic warrior on a bleak path. Behind her shines a celtic shield in the sky, representing the sun in the heavens, and her Light Spear burns away the foggy darkness around her. My favorite part of creating this painting was doing the intricate detail in her armor and trappings...what fun! The client specifically wanted the warrior to have passed 3 obstacles, or challenges along her way, so in the distance you'll see 3 stone dolmens to represent this.

  • Strength
  • 16" x 22"
  • Acrylic and on watercolor paper
  • SOLD

Copyright Cari Buziak, 2000.

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