Learn to Draw the versatile TREFOIL or TRINITY knot!
The trefoil knot, sometimes called the Trinity Knot, is an extremely versatile knot. When creating larger Celtic designs, there seems to be no end to the number of triangular spaces left to be filled. But learning to make these knots you can fill those spaces up. And the great news is these knot can come in an infinite variety of shape and complexity.
The word triquetra derives from the Latin "triquetrus", meaning "3 cornered". "Trefoil" comes from the Latin word "trifolium", meaning "3 leaf" (think of "folium" as in "foliage"). The trifolium plant group is characterized by their 3 trifoliate compound leaves, such as good old clover!
In this tutorial I'll show you step-by-step how to create a Trefoil Knot. All you need is a pencil, eraser, and a compass. No Aon dot paper needed this time! Trefoil knots can also be created “freehand”, so if you don’t have a compass handy don’t despair! I’ll cover both methods in this lesson.
The Basic Knot Lesson is included FREE with this download!
~ 8.5x11" PDF booklet
~ 9 pages of instruction, plus a worksheet
~ Instant download
~ includes a 10 page booklet covering how to draw a Basic Celtic Knot for free!
~ provided as a digital download only
~ no refunds due to the digital nature of the purchase
~ This lesson is copyright Cari Buziak, please do not reproduce or distribute without permission. If you're not sure, just ask! :-)
~ Questions? email me through Etsy or my website: aon-celtic.com
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All artwork copyright Cari Buziak, Aon-Celtic.com.
Questions? Just send me an email! 🥰
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